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We sat next to each other on the plane, i let you sit by the window, because that was originally my seat. You were a little anxious while we were landing. You also told me you went to the UK when you were 18, and you were wearing a uk shirt as well. I was to shy to ask for your number. I would love to have another chance. Blew my chance on 25/07/2024
Giang Nguyen
Halifax, NS
Hi there, I severely doubt you will read this, but we sat next to each other on a plane from Toronto to Athens. It went overnight from July 9-10. We were sitting in the very back right corner of the plane. I was from Halifax, and you said you were from Vancouver. You said you were travelling with your parents, but got seated by yourself. You probably didn't think much of our interaction, but it meant a lot to me. It was the first time someone had listened and talked so naturally to me in a long time. At my university I just go from class to class, not really interacting with anyone. Everything just feels so cold and unfriendly. Even my family doesn't know me that well. But with you I felt like I could just talk. I felt like I didn't need to put on an act and could just be myself around you. I just really enjoy talking to you and hope that we could do it more! I was doing fine at home, but meeting you made me realize how lonely I was. You really left an impact on me. I didn't ask your name or how to keep in touch because I stupidly thought that for my first time really connecting with someone in a long time, it should just be kept as a nice memory. But as soon as you walked out that gate at the airport I immediately regretted it. The trip was very fun, by the way! I loved Greece just like you said I would. However, I couldn't stop thinking about you and wished I was talking to you while visiting those places. I often got sad realizing that I would probably never see you again. Blew my chance on 10/07/2024 @ 10:30
Hey fascinating Korean girl traveling through Europe. We briefly talked on the train from Antwerp to Brussels and I recommended friet stoofvlees to you. I may have more suggestions for you :-) Seriously, I may have some work references as well. Blew my chance on 22/07/2024 @ 17:20
Braga, Portugal
Estoy muy interesada en encontrar a esta chica que me pareció espectacular, se llama Catarina, vive en Leiria, tiene 20 años y nos conocimos usando el aplicativo de Bumble, estaría muy agradecida si me ayudan a encontrarla Blew my chance on 22/07/2024 @ 03:00
Ahoj, videl jsem te na pláži poblíž Brodariky a Šibeniku. Vymenili jsme si spoustu hezkých pohledu ale já se neodhodlal za tebou prijít pro kontakt, nebot jsi tam byla s celou rodinou. Omlouvám se, že jsem nesebral sebevedomí a chtel bych se te pokusit nalézt všemožnými zpusoby. Blew my chance on 19/07/2024
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