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You were with a group of people and so was I. I had a backwards hat, you have freckles, big brown eyes, brunette hair. I high fived you and told you you're very pretty...but that's all. This is literally going to the extreme..I don't even know how I found this website, but idc, it's killing me that I didn't turn around to get your snapchat or something lmao. Blew my chance on 17/07/2017
He had his hair in a bun and he was wearing green shorts..i think. They were a bright color. Blew my chance on 06/11/2017
Grosse Point, Michigan
hello, Reagan or Regan When I saw you and your friends were checking my out I knew something was gonna click. But I live in Michigan and you guys live in Ohio. I thought you were very cute and had a good attitude. I remember you were wearing a yellow tank top with jeans. I just really want to get to know you and your friends. 2 of you also had blond hair the other brown. Sincerely, Christian Z Instagram- Chriskzet Snapchat- christianz212 Blew my chance on 29/10/2016
Ohio, United States
We made a lot of eye contact and felt connected and i would like to know more about you..i cant really remember what you were wearing maybe stripes with shorts Blew my chance on 30/07/2016 @ 19:20
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