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If you met someone and felt there was a mutual attraction, but were too shy to ask for contact details.
See if they are looking for you or create a message for them. Guaranteed matches if both visit the site.
  • Are Any of These Messages For You? Check Them Out!

Search the place where you met or saw each other; Airport, on holiday, train, subway, tube, on a plane, metro, bus, pub, club, street, or at work to find their message & reply

If not, don’t cry! Click "here" or the envelope below to leave them a message so they can contact you!

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How does it work and why is it so effective?
  • How can you find someone you had a ‘missed connection’ with? Basically, you can say “I blew my chance.” We have all done it; saw or met someone very attractive, flirted and felt there was a mutual attraction, but both were too shy to ask for the others contact details. You wonder "how can I find them again?" It has never really been possible or realistic to find someone you met once until NOW!

    At we guarantee you will find your missed connections if both of you visit the site; which you will; because we are listed top for all typical missed connections searches such as “missed connections NYC”, “missed connections London Tube”, “I saw you once”, “I met you once”, “find someone you met once”, “find someone I met once”, “how to find someone I met once”, “how to find someone you met on a plane”, “how to find someone you met on holiday.”

    So like thousands of other people on the site looking to find someone they saw or met once, no matter how or where you met the one that got away; whether it was whilst having dinner with friends in a restaurant and you couldn’t take your eyes off each other, or sat next to each other on the same flight, made small talk but left with no contact details. Perhaps you were flirting at the check-in at the same airport, fancied each other like mad; but did nothing about it. Was it Love at the disco? You danced like crazy - all your best moves to impress, but went home alone. Fell for each other whilst sky diving or had a great time at a party, made eye contact and regretted not talking. Flirted at a concert. Wished you were sat together at the cinema. Enjoyed a drink or two in pub and saw each other across the bar. Maybe too shy to say Hi! at school, wished you could have carried her books at college or high school (do boys still do that?!?) – Maybe you caught his eye at the big football game, but he didn’t ask you out. Where you with your boyfriend or girlfriend so couldn’t swap contact details with the person you saw or met but felt there was electricity between you, this is the worst eh! You can’t stop thinking about them and this drives you crazy! Maybe it was love on the train, a quick flirt in the shops or love on the ski slopes, at a conference, at church, in the lift – love in an alleviator, love struck at the beach, on a cruise, love at first site on Brooklyn Bridge, or even love at work. No matter how or where you had your missed connection, you can find them again at

    We have missed connections messages from all over the world in several languages; so if you are trying to find your missed connections in London (Metro, Subway, Tube, Underground), Manchester, Liverpool - UK, Paris - France, New York (NYC), SF, LA, Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, Seattle, Chicago, Boston – United States (USA), Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary - Canada, Sydney, Melbourne - Australia, Auckland, Wellington - New Zealand, Madrid – Spain, New Delhi – India, Bern, Basel, Zurich, Geneva – Switzerland, Bangkok – Thailand, Berlin – Germany, Madrid- Spain, Mexico City – Mexico, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, Buenos Aires – Argentina, Johannesburg – South Africa, Tokyo – Japan, Beijing – China, Moscow – Russia … You are in the right place. Sometimes missed connection messages get lost in the classifieds, we are here to change that as your free advert for your missed connections will remain online until you meet your match or decide to delete it. Whether you are a woman seeking men, or a man seeking women that you were too shy to talk to, we will help you find that special person giving you a second chance at love.

    You can also keep up to date with us @ or on Twitter @

    Check out our videos and see how Sam and Wendy Got together☺

    If you are wondering “how to find someone you met once?” look no further; see if someone is looking for you, or leave a message for them to find on the site. It may just change your life! It doesn’t matter how or where you met someone, if you met on a plane, met on a flight, met on holiday, on the tube; if you can’t stop thinking of them, start your search now and find them today.

    The site is free and there is no need to register unless you want to create a message or reply to one. This means anyone who is mildly interested or curious to see if someone is looking for them can simply search any location where they felt there was an attraction, leading to a whole new world of intrigue. "It is simply up to the individual to decide if they want to open Pandora's Box. So if you are wondering how to find someone you met because you had a missed connection, we can help you find them again. Imagine being able to find, and have a second chance with the person you saw or met, but for whatever reason couldn't talk to. The person that gave you butterflies in your stomach and made you feel like you were floating. That would be amazing right! Find your missed connections today!