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You had a lay-over so were travelling as a passenger. I was suffering from terrible heatstroke. You took the time to check I was OK and recommended I try some aspirin when I got home. I did do this, by the way and it did help, as you said it would! We spoke predominantly in French and English and talked about Nantes and how you'd wanted to go to Australia and missing French food and the Guide Hachette and your gruelling schedule and Edinburgh and Port Andratx and Italian... You asked my name and I stupidly didn't ask yours. I had to collect my suitcase but ran after you to see if I could exchange contact details, but you had already left the terminal. I hope so much that you see this message and I can speak to you again. I will try tweeting EasyJet but I don't know if it will work. I was in seat 16F. A la prochaine, j'espère, et la chance de passer du temps avec une telle jolie personne encore une fois. Blew my chance on 13/09/2018 @ 22:00
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