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Washington DC, US
My Description: 35 years old, 6ft 1 tall, about 160 pounds, medium build, blonde hair fairly short, blue eyes. I was wearing black trousers, a blue shirt and black tie.

Describe the person you are trying to find?
A lady approximately 30 years old, with long silky black hair, green eyes, about 5ft 11 tall, model figure and lovely teeth. Most probably you are a model, if not you could be. You were dressed in a green strapless dress, and had matching green shoes.

What attracted you to them?
You looked so demure and simply beautiful. Your laugh is infectious and made me smile every time I heard you. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, but tried hard to be cool, too cool as it happens as now I am trying to find you instead of having the courage to talk to you.

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
It was Valentines Day, and you were eating dinner with two other ladies in the Queen of Sheba restaurant. I was working in Washington and just happened to stumble into this lovely restaurant. I have always wanted to try Ethiopian food, but couldn’t really concentrate on the menu after seeing you. I asked the waitress if I could have the same as you, which I must say was lovely. I am really hoping that, seeing as it was Valentines Day and you were with two other ladies that you are single. I was dining alone, but did say good night to you all on my way out. We did exchange a few flirty glances across the room, or maybe I got it wrong, I hope not. I am working in Washington again in 2 weeks, from the 12th to the 16th March, if you get this, perhaps we could meet and have dinner, it would make my year and it’s only February.

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
I am working in Washington again in 2 weeks, from the 12th to the 16th March, if you get this, perhaps we could meet and have dinner, it would make my year and it’s only February.

Something they should know?
What meal did you order?

Date and time I blew my chance: 14/02/2012 @ 20:30
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Question: What meal did you order?
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