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Auckland New Zealand
The Message
I'm sorry I wasn't giving you a chance! I've never had someone who tried getting me the way you did. I don't know why I forgot ask for your details to at least add you on Facebook?? I was drunk so I mistakenly gave you the impression that you have no chance with me.. you asked me at least 50 times but I really don't know why I didn't show you how much you excited me! You were the tallest & hottest guy in the bar, I'm used to having all guys running after me but I only noticed you!!! I saw how badly you wanted me! That's why I was willing to leave with you.. Your phone was left with your brother and it was already around 5am so you begged to sleep at the hostel I was staying at but I told you dozens of times "IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" I don't understand what was wrong with me? You really captured my heart and when you left so sadly I realized I have no way to contact you!!! I showed you my name Instagram because it was obvious for me you will reach out that I didn't think it was necessary to even ask for your details but I didn't realize how badly have I mislead you.. I was hoping when you have your phone you will find me there and I'll be able to tell you all this but it's been almost 2 days and you haven't ?? I'm assuming it's because you don't want to tortur yourself again but if only you knew how much I do want you. I went out the next night hoping to bump into you but sadly I didn't. I'm praying you reach out to me... I want to see how happy & surprised you will be...

Something they should know?
What is my occupation? Why am I staying in New Zealand? What was the reason I told you I can't sleep with you? where does your sister live? Why did you come to New Zealand? What is your occupation? What was I wearing? How tall am I? What is my name? (If it's you, I know you remember my name 110%!)

Date and time I blew my chance: 15/09/2016 @ 04:45
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Note: In order for Dreamgirl to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply.

Question: What is my occupation? Why am I staying in New Zealand? What was the reason I told you I can't sleep with you? where does your sister live? Why did you come to New Zealand? What is your occupation? What was I wearing? How tall am I? What is my name? (If it's you, I know you remember my name 110%!)
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