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My Description: I have a curvey body. I am 5'3. I had long curly black hair. I have a gap in my front teeth. You told me I had a beautiful smile. I was wearing cheetah print shorts and a black shirt.

Describe the person you are trying to find?
Ricky...You're 20 years old and your birthday is in November. Your favorite colors are black, blue, and white. You are a full time student and a full time worker. You were wearing a black and red track suit and you had a book bag with you. I gave you my number. You were a taller than me maybe 5'11.

What attracted you to them?
I loved how you knew how to treat me. You knew so much about me and we only met once. We connected on so many levels.

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
I was sitting down on the bus stop bench waiting on the 70 Division bus and you walked towards me, sat down, and started talking to me and I was captured ever since.

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
You made a huge impression on me. I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since we parted ways. Every night so far I was hoping you would call me for I don't have any way of contacting you at all. I feel your presence all the time and I feel like you are always next to me. I know its strange b/c we only met once but I felt a huge connection with you. I would love nothing more than to hear your voice again and tell you that I want to continue talking to you. I can't wait to hear from you again...

Something they should know?
What did we do after the movie? Where did we end up sleeping and what did we do?

Date and time I blew my chance: 17/06/2013
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Question: What did we do after the movie? Where did we end up sleeping and what did we do?
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