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Bangalore India
My Description: I was wearing a blue t-shirt and black pant and pink slippers I was having accenture back pack

Describe the person you are trying to find?
Man with grey hair almost 30 years old,having HTC mobile with blue cover and Nike Brown shoes..with peculiar teeth.I saw you in bmtc bus..Bangalore India

What attracted you to them?
I was impressed by his helping nature which no body else will do for a was raining heavily and people are almost rushing for a bus I missed my slipper in a drained pit and he never felt awkward to get it back to me from there and gave it inside bus holding it hand when I already boarded bus

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
I was sitting in bus in the left side seat of the bus and I was wearing blue t-shirt was very crowded I could only say thank u

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
Hi stranger with grey hair who helped me, you helped me in getting my slipper in drenched water and u didn't feel it awkward to get a slipper for others while others feel it yucky..I'm so much impressed with your kindness and helping attitude.I'm not flirting ..I jus want to see the human who helped without any expectations and say how I feel grateful for ur was so crowded in bus couldn't meet you Please if you also have the same feel of meeting me again contact me

Something they should know?
Tell me where and when we met

Date and time I blew my chance: 20/07/2016 @ 18:00
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Question: Tell me where and when we met
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