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Teesside, England
My Description: Ginger hair, around 6'0 in height, brown eyes, wearing jeans and black shoes.

Describe the person you are trying to find?
A girl aged approximately 20 years old, with blonde hair, slim, around 5'3 - 5'4 in height and wearing a dress.

What attracted you to them?
I really loved her personality and how well we connected after just ten minutes of being around each other. I also think that she was beautiful, her hair was amazing and her eyes and smile were just gorgeous.

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
I was with my dad in a bar named ALEXOASE at Alexanderplatz, Berlin when we met. You offered me a sip of your drink and introduced yourself, and held a short conversation in which you in which you asked how I was doing and if I study in Berlin. We also hugged each other, which was amazing :)

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
Hey, I'm the British guy you met in the ALEXOASE Bar at Alexanderplatz in Berlin in the summer of 2015. I think you're a beautiful girl, your amazing blonde hair and gorgeous eyes and smile really attracted me. I also think you're a really sweet girl, and I really loved the short time we spent together. Having my dad there kinda made me feel more shy, if you know what I mean, and I would have been less shy if he had not got in the way of us lol. I would really love to see you again someday in the next few years, no matter how far or near we have to travel to do this ;)

Something they should know?
Do you remember the colour of the shirt I was wearing? (Don't worry if you can't, I just had to put a question into the box to fully complete the pebble message)

Date and time I blew my chance: 30/08/2015 @ 22:35
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Note: In order for EquationSolver to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply.

Question: Do you remember the colour of the shirt I was wearing? (Don't worry if you can't, I just had to put a question into the box to fully complete the pebble message)
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