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New delhi, India
My Description: 6 feet, dark brown hair, was wearing blue t-shirt & jeans

Describe the person you are trying to find?
She was in beautiful black dress & has beautiful eyes, from Delhi but currently living in Canada

What attracted you to them?
Her eyes

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
I asked for couple entry in the Tito's club at Goa, India. We entered but I was little shocked by the poor music & the crowd, hence missed the chance to go out with her & talk further.

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
I was totally spellbound by you when we had a small interaction & you helped me & my friends. It's 2 days but still i can't get you & your eyes out of my head.

Something they should know?
You were with how many friends?

Date and time I blew my chance: 18/10/2015
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Question: You were with how many friends?
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