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London, England
My Description: i was wearing a white t-shirt with grey shorts and black trainers and a watch and bracelet on either arm. I have brown curly hair and I have no idea how tall I am but I was taller than you.

Describe the person you are trying to find?
She had long brown hair, brown eyes I think, skinny and a little mole or freckle above her lip. She was with her sister or friend and had big headphones around her neck.

What attracted you to them?
The way she looked at me with a dangerous glint in her eyes and her beautiful hair.

What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway?
i was standing at passport control while she was about 10 people in front of me.

How often have you seen them?
Only once

What do you want to say to them?
i want to say that I wish I said hi to you or even just asked for your name because I would love to meet you again and spend some time with you to maybe get to know you.

Something they should know?
what colour were your headphones

Date and time I blew my chance: 03/08/2015
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Question: what colour were your headphones
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